What happen in May 2 was seriously AWESOME to the max. In just 2 hours and a half, he could ROCK the whole stage and the fans was excited with his performance. This time around, he will be performing with his new electronic guitar also known as the custom-made BAHAMUT ELECTRONIC GUITAR which cost him around US$ 27,500 (RM 96,700) and was design by the Irish guitar master, Alistair. Below is the front and the back view of this AWESOME guitar use by AWESOME music man.
Custom Made Bahamut Electronic Guitar
Anyway, back to the concert and amazingly. Lee Hom was a interesting music man and must give him a credit because he can almost play an musical instrument and he is one the most inventive artistes of the Mandarin pop genre. With his latest album released, he is one step further from other singer such like Jay Chou, Fahrenheit, Mayday and so on.
Have you heard his music? He is towards becoming a ROCK STARS!!! You can start now by listening to his current album. Here is the list of the song in the album.
List of Heart Beat song:
愛得 得體 Dirty Love
心跳 Heartbeat
春雨裡洗過的太陽 The Sun After Washed by Spring Rain
我完全沒有任何理由理你 No Reason to Pay Attention to You
另一個天堂 Another Heaven
玩偶 Puppet
腳本 Screenplay
競爭對手 Competitor
搖滾怎麼了!!What's Wrong With Rock!!
He kicked off the Music Man 2009 tour with 搖滾怎麼了!!What's Wrong With Rock!! Hope the translation never get wrong for this. After that, he finally unleashed the “Bahamut” as what I have shown above which was suspended in the mid-air even before the start of the concert.
Can you see the Bahamut anywhere in the photo?
The props is so impressive that credit must be given to them which was acted as the stage for the concert. The cinematic and the graphics element were breathtaking. Besides that, on the same stage appeared four Wang Lee Hom. You must be kidding right? Well, seriously there are four similar looking Wang Lee Hom appeared right before the audience. How could that possibly be? Way to impossible. Sorry, no picture for that. Hard to believe without any prove. Bare with it or just ask anyone around that was in the concert. He was appeared on the stage as four different role where the REAL DEAL is the singer, and the rest of the three was bassist, drummer and guitarist. But I am also unsure about him being the singer not the rest. What a Music Man, he later performed his violin prowess before going for the piano.
What else beside the Music Man can do was perform his magic skill. Well, the other three-similar-looking-face-of-Wang Lee Hom come to work. This magic is somehow like a teleport where he was inside a box once and later he disappeared from the box and was reappeared once again together with the audience at the seating of RM268 if I am not wrong about that.
So, the next time he comes to Malaysia, let’s see what he is going to up to that time around. Wonder what could happen? Appearances of EIGHT WANG LEE HOM? :)
By the way, they give free stuff along the way for this concert. All thanks to the Boston-Hongkie F&B Restaurant Chain. Free voucher to eat there. Must taste it somehow and tell you how was it.
After I check out the branches, I only knew that it was super far away from my house. Too bad. But I will try to find a chance to taste it. Don’t worry, full report by me will surely be there.
Here are some seriously closed picture of him with the Bahamut.
Credit to idolhunter production
Rockin’ Out Together with Music Man,
Evans + Cooper
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